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The Little Things

14 Aug

Here are a few things that are making me smile from ear to ear, take a peek!

A little birdie told me your not much of a fan of these treats, I challenge you to try these treats from Trader Joe’s! Its at their frozen section, trust me, you’ll come back to this post and comment that you’ve fallen in love with these decadent treats and that’s a promise! But yes, you are right, most places don’t compare to the real deal. Unless your in Paris or Vegas which is where I originally fell in love with these.

My love for this necklace keeps on growing and growing. I can’t stop wearing it.

My dainty head band from Anthropologie.

What is fluff Ice? It’s not ice cream and it’s not yogurt. I’s creamy, velvety full of flavor but light and fluffy. Here in L.A is all the rage and let me tell you it’s the next best thing. Your completely satisfied but don’t feel like you over indulged. If you come across this treat I suggest the Mango Madness.

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Can somebody please share their hair tips please!!! I love this hair, but I can’t figure out how to get these Sunkist beach waves.

As always, Carolina xoxo