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The Little Things

12 Feb

Here are a few things that keep me smiling from cheek to cheek



Sunday breakfast at Mike and Anns in South Pasadena.


Hand painted portraits on canvas of my pups I purchased in Santa Barbara. These cuties are going in my office.


Cute little elephant in my office


Our version of a bib necklace. For the bold and beautiful

As always, Carolina xoxo

The Little Things

23 Jan

It is the little things that we consider the jewels of life that bring a smile to our face.

A genuine leopard collar for a D.I.Y.

Slogan art. (only in Detroit)

Our first wedding invitationĀ of the year.

Miniature sparkly cupcakes.

Cast from the Barber of Seville.

Until next time,

The Little Things

6 Dec

It is the little things that we consider the jewels of life that make us smile from cheek to cheek.


Handmade Christmas ornaments.


Candy cane candy.

A single flower.

Pocket-size Pets: Sugar Bears

And deep in a moment while sipping a cappuccino at Morning Glory.


The Little Things

23 Oct

The little things that are making me happy now.

Fall colors!

My undeniable love for napkin rings.

Colored tights

My little bud vase

Loving this evening treat.

As always Carolina, xoxo

The Little Things

14 Aug

Here are a few things that are making me smile from ear to ear, take a peek!

A little birdie told me your not much of a fan of these treats, I challenge you to try these treats from Trader Joe’s! Its at their frozen section, trust me, you’ll come back to this post and comment that you’ve fallen in love with these decadent treats and that’s a promise! But yes, you are right, most places don’t compare to the real deal. Unless your in Paris or Vegas which is where I originally fell in love with these.

My love for this necklace keeps on growing and growing. I can’t stop wearing it.

My dainty head band from Anthropologie.

What is fluff Ice? It’s not ice cream and it’s not yogurt. I’s creamy, velvety full of flavor but light and fluffy. Here in L.A is all the rage and let me tell you it’s the next best thing. Your completely satisfied but don’t feel like you over indulged. If you come across this treat I suggest the Mango Madness.

Pinned Image

Can somebody please share their hair tips please!!! I love this hair, but I can’t figure out how to get these Sunkist beach waves.

As always, Carolina xoxo

The Little Things

16 Jun

As mentioned before, it’s all about the little things that make me smile from cheek to cheek, currently, these are the little things that brighten my day.

Chocolates that look like jewels!!

Oh my! Can’t get better than this duo!

These little suckers are from Bristol Farms.


My Morange lipstick I can’t get enough of.

Anthropologie jars.

I use these cuties to brighten up my kitchen, I use one for garlic, but the other one, ummmm I’m still deciding. Any suggestions?

My oh so fun kate spade iPhone case that always brightens my day.

Anthropologie cup.

Every time I opened my cabinet this pretty little cup made me smile, I thought to myself  ” Your just too darn cute to be behind closed doors ” Off I went looking for a little flower  meet Petite!! She sits next to Ham, if you haven’t met Ham, you can meet her here. Oh, and if you haven’t noticed by now, I talk to my plants, I’m not the best mom, but I’m working on it.

Oh! I almost forgot, the P  is for my honey, his name is Paul.

Have a wonderful weekend beautiful friends!

As always, Carolina xoxo

The Little Things

30 Apr

It’s the little things that make me happy, that make me smile cheek to cheek. Whether it’s a plant, a nice nail polish, colorful veggies or a simple trinket.  These are the things that keep me content, happy and alive.  At the end of the day, these little things make me scream like a little girl. Take a peek!!

Green water pale can be found at Crate and Barrel

I went to Target to buy two, but I couldn’t resist! I couldn’t decide. I was standing there trying to decide. 15 minutes later I was talking my self in and out of which one I should take. “This would be perfect for work.” “This color I could wear during the weekend.” On and on I went until finally I told myself I deserve it!

I promise, I really wanted to pick another color, but my eyes and my heart were set on this, can you blame me?

This on the go OPI travel case has meant so much to me,  maybe even as much my cell phone. It’s convenient,  fun, cute and it cuts to the chase.

essie: Meet me on sunset.

Bright veggies!! I have a great idea for these beauties!! Stay tuned.

I got this macaron when I went to the The Huntington Library from my previous post here. I snagged the last one! This little cutie can be used for your tiny jewels, mints or use it like I do for vitamins.

If you’re anything like me you forget to take your vitamins. You say you’ll start tomorrow, but let’s face it- tomorrow never comes. Who gets excited over taking vitamins anyways?  My little Macaron case has since then changed my mindset. I’m always so excited to pull this Parisian raspberry trinket out. It makes me see vitamins in another light.

These beauties can be found at Bottega Louie, one of my favorite eateries.

And I, chose the Raspberry macron.

Meet Ham!!! When it comes to flowers, I’m not the best caretaker. I water them, I shed light on them, I feed them, yet I get no luck. So my husband bought me this tiny cacti. 1) hoping to not murder it and 2) he said  “I stay long hours in the kitchen” and he didn’t want  me to feel lonely and that’s how Ham came to live. Why Ham? Well, there’s no reason. I named my cacti solely because it makes me happy, makes me smile, and it makes me feel like a big Ham!!  Lets see how long Ham will last me. It’s the little things that make me happy.

As always, Carolina xoxo