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Easter Nest Egg Treats

28 Mar

Please excuse the lack of posting this week, but we are excited to announce that we are working on a blog make-over! We figured it was time after a year of blogging.

On another note, I am sure you seen these Easter nests pinning around on pinterest, and if you have followed you must know by now that I am a sucker for simple little treats that have character so of course I had to give them a try.




I’m not so sure if they look like nests, but who can go wrong with chocolate covered pretzels.

Until next time,

Thursday Treat

14 Mar

When I found out that one of the key ingredients for this stove top Mac and Cheese included: avocado I had to give it a try!





The added lime is so that avocado does not turn black, why didn’t I think of this recipe. Almost any recipe that includes avocado is a win for me!

Hope you give it a try,

Salmon and Quinoa

19 Feb

Growing up once a year our parents’ would take us to our grandparents’ in Palm Dessert which was about 8 hours south from where we lived with our father driving extra cautious who loved and loves to drive and enjoy the scenery. All the grandchildren about 15 of us total used to go in grandma’s back yard climb up the trees run around like crazy kids while we enjoyed lemons from our grandma’s tree. Lemons are a big part of our family, actually I would like to assume in most Latin homes. At times we would have 3 in one sitting (gulp) bringing up my childhood has made me realize how much I love our blog and how it has brought my sister and I closer in many levels. Just wanted to say thank you for your warm comments and love. I’m compiling a few questions so you can have more of a connection of who I am. Some questions are silly, because I’m silly but some are serious. Stay tuned. Oh yes! This dish!!! WOW, WOW, WOW!!! This has been on repeat in our home. I like to think it’s a collaboration between mine and my honey’s up bringing. My honey is South American, Quinoa was a staple in his family and I already mentioned the lemon story ha! It only takes me 30 min to make this flavorful, filling, healthy husband approved dish. I say it’s a yes!

You can find it here.





The Salmon is hiding.

As Always, Carolina xoxo

DIY: Valentine Treat

14 Feb

My husband loves cookies and ice cream. I often come home to him baking cookies and he getting ready to serve them with ice cream. Today I thought I would make them with a little love. Although I would love to say that I make everything from scratch, it is not always the case, however I did manage to buy Michigan made Ice Cream Cookie Sandwiches: melting Moments.






Yes, even men are suckers for treats in cute packaging, at least my husband is.

I bought all the essentials at Micheals craft.

Stay tune for the results of our giveaway later this evening!

Have a beautiful Valentine’s Day Jewels,

Thursday Treat

7 Feb

Hello everyone,

When you only have the essentials like tomato, garlic, pasta, and other spices you can still make something from scratch so you mustn’t settle for less. Thanks to the internet you can find recipes that include simple ingredients such as these.






Sometimes the simple recipes are the ones you will be surprised with the most. I found the recipe here searching for the key ingredients as it was the only fresh ingredents in my fridge at the time, and I wasn’t in the mood to go out in the snow.

Until next time.

Thursday Treat

31 Jan

Happy Thursday Jewels,

Usually my baked treats include something sweet, actually I like almost anything baked, I bought some Brussels Sprouts at the local Farmers Market and when I saw this recipe on Pinterest I had to give it a try.




I topped it off with parmesan cheese, and the best part was that they weren’t bitter, this has become one of my favorite side dishes.

Hope you give it a try,

Thursday Treat

17 Jan

Good morning Jewels,

It may look like all I eat are sweets, however you would be surprised that my diet is very consistent, a lot of veggies most of the time raw, almonds, a variety of different teas, berries, chicken, salmon etc., unfortunately it is the sweet stuff that inspires me to make it.






When this was the described at “the best french toast you’ll ever make” I had to give it a try, and they weren’t lying.

Until next time,


Spanish Paella

8 Jan

As mentioned in an earlier post here that I lived in Spain for about 6 months and fell in love with the city, the people, but mostly the food! Why is food the center of attention? I lived with one of my best friends and a born and raised beautiful Spanish girl. Lucky for me I learned how to make Paella Spain’s main dish, a dish they are well-known for. One of the many reasons I enjoy making this dish a side from it being super yummy is I get to utilize saffron, this spice is very delicate and precious, it can cost you a pretty penny, but you can get it for a steal at Trader Joe’s one of my favorite stores. I love the detail intricacy that goes in picking saffron. To produce one kilogram of saffron, it
is necessary to pick 150,000 crocuses ( flowers ).

You can find the recipe here






As always, Carolina Xoxo

Thursday Treat

3 Jan

Happy Thursday Jewels,

I love cake, especially moist spongy chocolate cake, which is why I had to try this recipe here.






This recipe is completely from scratch and it calls for pouring the frosting on the cake while the frosting is still warm which melted and oozed on the cake.  I can’t think of anything more tempting.

Hope you give it a try,

Lemon Caper Shrimp Crostini

11 Dec

This is how our dinner is planned out, my husband is the one who goes to the grocery store only because I never look at deals, I bypass the sales and I go straight for what I’m craving. I don’t blame him, I literally spent on one occasion 200 dollars at Bristol Farmers just for two, you bet, I’m banned from the grocery store until I redeem myself. So where was I ? To make a long story short, my honey usually surprises me with various sea foods, so I’m forced to try to create a dish with whatever he brings home and this time it was shrimp. Who me, I’m not complaining. Can’t beat this record high beautiful weather in December and of course I wanted to celebrate with shrimp. Take a peek.

DSC_1141 DSC_1137 DSC_1134 Fresh herbs from my little garden. Thyme and Basil. DSC_1135 DSC_1139 DSC_1138 The recipe called for wine, I couldn’t resist.

Cheers Friends!!

As always, Carolina xoxo